Way to finish out the last of 2024 Pirates!
Here are the Piratudes for the week of December 20th.
Liam B - counted to 100
Macie B - counted to 100
1st Quarter
Ainsley V - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Oaklynn W - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Olliver L - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Bella G - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Jasmine U - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Bailey S - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Baylee N - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Claire M - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Willow N - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Kira A - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Lilly C - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Maverick C - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Sawyer A - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Quinn W - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Audrey M - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Maybree H - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Milo W - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Bryson P - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Stevie B - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Callie B - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
2nd Grade
Morgan K - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Brantley C - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
River M - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Atreyu S - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Mila M - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Savanna S - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Joplyn S - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Rebel L - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Troy T - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Remus A - A+ on Reading test
Zane S - A+ on Reading test
Brylen Q - A+ on Reading test
Atreyu S - A+ on Math Quiz 11
Brantley C - A+ on Math Quiz 11
Bella E - A++ on Math Quiz 11
Zane S - 20 point AR club
Jonah P - 20 point AR club
Brylen Q - 30 point AR club
Rebel L - 30 point AR club
Ellie V - 40 point AR club
Rocky K - 50 point AR club
Claire B - master of subtraction
3rd Grade
Kade C - met AR goal
Andi B - met AR goal
Jaylen Q - met AR goal
Moxley T - met AR goal
Rachel F - 100% on Math Quiz 13
Jaylen Q - 100% on Math Test 14
Moxley T - 100% on Math Test 14
Rachel F - 100% on Math Test 14
Jaylen Q - 100% on Unit 2 Math Test
Ryker N - passing 7's multiplication facts
Jaylen Q - passing 7's multiplication facts
James W - passing 7's multiplication facts
Moxley T - passing 7's multiplication facts
Tiylee T - passing 7's multiplication facts
Harper R - passing 7's multiplication facts
Royce N - passing 7's multiplication facts
Brylee T - passing 7's multiplication facts
Madalyn P - passing 7's multiplication facts
Reagan A - passing 7's multiplication facts
Rose B - passing 7's multiplication facts
Kade C - passing 7's multiplication facts
Ashton H - passing 7's multiplication facts
Andi B - passing 7's multiplication facts
Hank M - passing 7's multiplication facts
Ivan Q - passing 7's multiplication facts
Malcolm W - passing 7's multiplication facts
Bentley W - passing 7's multiplication facts
Natalie G - passing 7's multiplication facts
Rachel F - passing 9's multiplication facts
Tiylee T - passing 9's multiplication facts
Ashton H - passing 9's multiplication facts
Natalie G - passing 9's multiplication facts
Andi B - passing 9's multiplication facts
Kade C - 101% on Spelling test
Brylee T - most answered on Math Facts Pro this week
Ashton H - most i-Ready lessons answered with 100% accuracy this week
4th Grade
Gracie W - 100% on all 50 states
Gabbi M - 100% on all 50 states
Journey H - 100% on all 50 states
Brilynn G - 100% on all 50 states
Wyatt L - December i-Ready winner
Brilynn G - multiplication master
Gracie W - encouraging others and being a good friend
Ellamae L - helping others
Bryson E - 100% on Spelling test
Remington C - 102% on Spelling test
5th Grade
Sophiah S - met 3rd Quarter AR goal
Trinity M - highest grade in the class on Math quiz
Sophiah S - 100% on Spelling test
Trinity M - 100% on Spelling test
Emilee T - 100% on Spelling test
Sophiah S - 102% on Spelling test
6th Grade
Wyatt L - extra effort
Jaxon H - shared with others
Porter M - offered to help another student
7th Grade
Stella E - meeting & exceeding AR goal
Malloy D - helping another student
Trygg A - being extremely generous and gave the lead role to another student
Kenzie C - volunteered to help in the classroom
Brason Q - volunteered to help in the classroom
Saphira F - volunteered to help in the classroom
Ashley C - volunteered to help in the classroom
Sydney R - volunteered to help in the classroom
Ava R - volunteered to help in the classroom
Jill S - volunteered to help in the classroom
Gracy O - volunteered to help in the classroom
Vince K - stood up for another student
Jill S - donated her candy canes in case someone did not get one
8th Grade
Shaylee W - jumping in and helping out where ever need for Senior Citizens Dinner
Paxton T - jumping in and helping out where ever need for Senior Citizens Dinner
Shaylee W - extra effort and a positive attitude
Addy K - volunteered to help
Tyler F - helped with the room
Ethan H - helped with the room
Shaylee W - extra effort on assignment
We have two pajama days for elementary students coming up!
Reminder: There is early dismissal tomorrow, Tuesday, December 17th.
Good luck at home tonight!
December 2nd was National Special Education Day! Shoutout to our wonderful Special Education Staff! Thanks for all you do to provide a bright future for our students!
Friendly Announcement: We will post Piratudes for this week next Friday Dec. 20th.
Tonight is 8th Grade Night for our girls basketball team. Please come out and support our 8th Grader as we honor them for all of the hard work and dedication they have displayed over the years.
One of our favorite nights of the year.
Good luck in the first round of OBC tournament!
Here are the Piratudes for the week of December 6th.
Izabella M. - wrote a beautiful name
1st Grade
Milo W. - 100% on Math quiz
Bailey S. - 100% on Math quiz
Willow N. - 100% on Math quiz
Baylee N. - 100% on Math quiz
Callie B. - 100% on Math quiz
Stevie B. - 100% on Math quiz
Audrey M. - 100% on Math quiz
Lilly C. - 100% on Math quiz
Sawyer A. - 100% on Math quiz
Maverick C. - 100% on Math quiz
Kira A. - 100% on Math quiz
2nd Grade
River M. - helping a friend
Iris B. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Jaylyne S. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Zane S. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Rocky K. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Annie V.- met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Alayna S. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Abigail E. - 10 point AR club
Reese W. - 20 point AR club
Remus A. - 20 point AR club
Rylan L. - 30 point AR club
Rocky K. - 40 point AR club
Ellie M. - 40 point AR club
Annie V. - 40 point AR club
June M. - 40 point AR club
Korbin N. - 50 point AR club
Claire B. - 50 point AR club
June M. - mastered subtraction
Ellie V. - mastered subtraction
3rd Grade
Ryker N. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Natalie G. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Bentley W. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
James W. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Tiylee T. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Andi B. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Natalie G. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Bentley W. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Reagan A. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Brylee T. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Ivan Q. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Jaylen Q. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Malcolm W. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Madalyn P. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Rose B. - passing 9's multiplication facts
James W. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Bentley W. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Harper R. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Ryker N. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Kade C. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Hank M. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Royce N. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Moxley T. - passing 9's multiplication facts
Jaylen Q. - 100% on Math Quiz 13
Royce N. - helping Mrs. Berry
Moxley T. - being helpful
4th Grade
Nathan D. - encouraging others
5th Grade
Remington C. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
7th Grade
Brason Q. - went above and beyond when cleaning Mrs. Shoemaker's room
Austin W. - helping a friend to the nurse's office
8th Grade
Lianna G. - showed true holiday spirit for a friend in need
The girls basketball game for tonight was cancelled. There is practice after school until 4:30pm.
Good luck at Odin tonight!
Good luck at Home tonight!
Winter Illness Reminder from Nurse Amanda:
The nursing office at Iuka Grade School has seen a sharp increase in students with illness. Unfortunately, due to regulations, there is very little we can do for students who feel unwell during the school day.
Please be mindful and evaluate your student(s) and their condition(s) prior to sending them to school everyday.
We can all help prevent the spread of sickness by doing the following:
1. Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue
2. Wash hands frequently including:
Before eating
After coughing/sneezing
After using the restroom.
After playing
Whenever your hands look dirty
3. Drink plenty of water, eat a healthy/balanced diet and get a good night's sleep.
4. Stay home when you are sick.
Thank you!
Just a reminder, tomorrow is early dismissal.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 3rd is the last day to RSVP for the Senior Citizens Dinner. Please be sure to call the office if you are attending. Also, Grandparents of 8th Graders can attend.
Good luck tonight!
Please note, the game tonight is being moved to St. Mary's. Willow Grove does not have any heat.
Look at all of these Piratudes! Great work Pirates!
Here are the list for the week of November 29th.
1st Grade
Stevie B. - 100% on Reading test
Jasmine U. - 100% on Reading test
Milo W. - 100% on Reading test
Sawyer A. - 100% on Reading test
Quinn W. - 100% on Reading test
Maybree H. - 100% on Reading test
Baylee N. - 100% on Reading test
Willow N. - 100% on Reading test
Callie B. - 100% on Reading test
Bryson P. - 100% on Reading test
Olliver L. - 100% on Math test
Oaklynn W. - 100% on Math test
Kira A. - 100% on Math test
Ainsley V. - 100% on Math test
Jasmine U. - 100% on Math test
Milo W. - 100% on Math test
Audrey M. - 100% on Math test
Maverick C. - 100% on Math test
Maybree H. - 100% on Math test
Baylee N. - 100% on Math test
Willow N. - 100% on Math test
Callie B. - 100% on Math test
Stevie B. - 100% on Math test
Alyssa C. - highest grade on her math test
2nd Grade
Jaylyne S. - A+ on Diary of a Spider test
Zane S. - A+ on Diary of a Spider test
Stephanie O. - A+ on Diary of a Spider test
Brylen Q. - A+ on Diary of a Spider test
Atreyu S. - A+ on Diary of a Spider test
Jonah P. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Reese W. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
June M. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Aubrey D. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Ellie V. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Stephanie O. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
David A. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Bella E. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Remus A. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Ellie M. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Rylan L. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Kinley W. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Kolten R. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Brylen Q. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Kolten R. - 10 point club
Iris B. - 20 point club
Rebel L. - 20 point club
Raeghyn D. - 20 point club
Brylen Q. - 20 point club
Korbin N. - 30 point club
Ellie M. - 30 point club
Aubrey D. - 30 point club
Rocky K. - 30 point club
Clair B. - 40 point club
Korbin N. - 40 point club
River M. - master of addition
3rd Grade
Hank M. - met AR goal
Harper R. - met AR goal
Ivan Q. - met AR goal
Brylee T. - met AR goal
Ryker N. - 100% on Math Quiz 10
Jaylen Q. - 100% on Math Quiz 10
Brylee T. - 100% on Math Quiz 10
Hank M. - 100% on Math Quiz 10
Ivan Q. - 100% on Math Quiz 10
Hank M. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Andi B. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Kade C. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Ashton H. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Bentley W. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Natalie G. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Royce N. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Jaylen Q. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Rachel F. - 100% on Math Quiz 11
Natalie G. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
James W. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
Rose B. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
Royce N. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
Moxley T. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
Brylee T. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
Tiylee T. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
Jaylen Q. - 100% on Math Quiz 12
Natalie G. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Bentley W. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Brylee T. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Royce N. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Kade C. - passing 3's multiplication facts
James W. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Madalyn P. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Rachel F. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Ivan Q. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Ashton H. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Rose B. - passing 3's multiplication facts
Ashton H. - passing 4's multiplication facts
Rose B. - passing 4's multiplication facts
Natalie G. - passing 4's multiplication facts
Rose B. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Hank M. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Malcolm W. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Moxley T. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Ryker N. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Brylee T. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Reagan A. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Jaylen Q. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Kade C. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Madalyn P. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Harper R. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Ivan Q. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Rachel F. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Royce N. - passing 6's multiplication facts
James W. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Tiylee T. - passing 6's multiplication facts
Kade C. - 101% on Spelling test
Rose B. - most answered facts on Math Facts Pro
Jaylen Q. - most i-Ready lessons answered with 100% on accuracy this week
Ryker N. - mastered multiplication on Math Facts Pro
4th Grade
Jacob W. - being helpful
Journey H. - 100% on Spelling test 11/15
Bryson E. - 100% on Spelling test
Journey H. - 100% on Spelling test
Bryson E. - 100 % on Spelling test
Wyatt L. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
5th Grade
Trinity M. - 100% on Language test
Emilee T. - 100% on Spelling test
Emilee T. - 100% on Spelling test
Remington C. - 102% on Spelling test
Sophiah S. - 102 % on Spelling test
Isaiah S. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Liam V. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Madi B. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Holden E. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Marcus M. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Waylon W. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Trinity M. - met 2nd Quarter AR goal
Madi B. - most passed lessons on i-Ready
Xander L. - cleaned slides and swings
There is still time to get signed up for the Senior Citizen's Dinner.
Good luck, Pirates!